
Welcome to Life coach louie

Bringing Out The Magic In You

A life coaching program for entrepreneurs and beyond. Together we can help you accomplish your dream!

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I believe we all have a dream. That could be something as seemingly simple as learning a new instrument, painting, or writing a book. It could be your dream is to have a side hustle that is fun and makes money. Or, it could be your dream is to quit your 9 to 5 and work independently. You can do it. We all have a little magic in us. You have the skills and motivation to fulfil your dream. However, like many of us, day-to-day obstacles get in the way. Life happens. The Quitting for Success process will help you accomplish your dream. Whether that process is individual coaching, webinars, group sessions or our signature “Quitting for Success” training program – we can help you get there! It can be hard work. It will demand that you change some of the ways you spend your time. It will require you to change some of your beliefs. It will be worth it.

If you always do What you’ve always done, You’ll always get, What you’ve always gotten. If you always do What you’ve always done, You’ll always be, What you always have been. You want more, There’s more out there for you. You will quit this… And start this… Together, You will succeed. Let’s do it.

We must “Quit to Succeed”. That sounds ridiculous, but we must quit spending some of our time the way we do, we must quit some of our long-held beliefs, and we must quit working the way we work now. I’ll help you replace your “quits” with “success”. Ways, big and small, can and will make a profound difference for you. I have several ways of helping you succeed. Guiding, coaching, webinars and challenges that will get the magic inside of you to actually grow! You might choose coaching, you might choose our signature program “quitting for success”, or you might choose to simply read our blog articles and our tips and tricks. Come along – it’s going to be great.
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"Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and achieve them."

Coach Louie


blog updated

Interesting articles updated frequently!!


Stop Hiding

Many people struggle with moving on from their past experiences, …


I am free to learn at my own pace, follow my own schedule and choose the subject I want to learn from the syllabus. Great study portal for people like me.
Mina Hollace
/ Freelancer
I need to get a certification for English proficiency and MaxCoach is my best choice. Their tutors are smart and professional when dealing with students.
Madley Pondor
/ IT Specialist
I am happy with their arrangement of lessons and subjects. They reflect a scientific investigation into effective methods to adopt for learners.
Luvic Dubble
/ Private Tutor
I'm a very strict person so I require everything to be organized and neat. Then, I'll be able to make things right and shine. MaxCoach guys just got me.
Florence Themes
/ Multimedia Admin

What we can do for you:

Webinars and Materials


We offer one-one coaching programs. We will have you complete a simple questionnaire. Download the questionnaire and schedule a FREE call. The questionnaire will help us understand where you are now, where you want to get to, the efforts you have put in so far.
Coaching Request

Quitting for success

Our signature training program is ‘quitting for success’. This is a masterclass that will take you through six modules. These are focused on:

  • Clearly identifying your dream goal
  • Identifying the three quits
    • How you spend your time
    • Your beliefs in yourself
    • How you work
  • Identifying the three ways to make changes
  • Setting goals
  • Winning
  • Success!!

Sign up – get our free booklet “quitting for success”.

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Master Course on Quitting for success

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Quitting for success
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